Eat Clean tip #5 is once again asking the question “Is Your Food Spiritual”?
Yesterday’s Eat Clean Tip Part 1, we were challenged like a lioness. Today we are going to ask the same question, but from a different perspective. The following questionnaire can be used as a tool, to explore deeper into your heart. Let’s continue to celebrate eating clean!
Answer yes or no to each of the following sentences.
Take as long as you need to pause and process each one.
___ I reward myself with food.
___ I make excuses in order to eat (I have a headache so I must eat, I’m bored etc).
___ I use others as an excuse to eat. (So they don’t have to eat alone, etc)
___ Food makes me feel good.
___ I have a love – hate relationship with food.
___ I get defensive if someone messes with my food. (Like yesterday’s lioness)!
___ I get irritable & sometimes angry if I can’t eat.
___ I am unhappy with my body & over all health.
___ I use food as a comfort to make me feel better.
___ I eat when I’m sad, depressed, anxious, or stressed.
___ I eat even though I am not hungry. (Because the clock says it’s time to).
My evaluation.
As I do my own self evaluating during our 7-Day Eat Clean Celebration, I noticed that food can be very spiritual. I can see how food consumes my mind, overrides my will, and stirs my emotions – and in such subtle ways! I acknowledge that the majority of times I eat or snack, is when I am feeling anxious. I run to food to find comfort more times than I find myself running to God for that comfort.
What about you?
Did you answer more yes’s than no’s? What did you discover about your relationship with food?
Take a few moments before eating your next meal (or snack) and ask yourself…
“Am I eating to live… or is there something eating at me”?
When we truly begin to learn to love ourselves and accept how God created us, (without making any excuses) our relationship with food begins to change. There is a shift that takes place in our hearts. A shift where we give God His rightful place and food steps down.
Is your food spiritual?
Stay tuned for tomorrows Eat Clean Tip #6. Hint: It will be a sweet alternative!