Nature’s candy is a sweet alternative when it comes to learning to eat clean!
But, what happens when the definition of nature’s candy has always meant Great Mom’s home-made sugar cookies, Granny’s made-from-scratch gingerbread men, or my mom’s none-can-compare apple crisp?! Three generations of sweets…. because desserts were always a big deal around our family table!
Desserts are meant to be celebrated!
Desserts were not just a one time Sunday event in our home – but desserts were celebrated every day, after every evening meal. But… year after year of those kind of sweets and it will catch up with you. After hitting my 40’s, and now well into my 50’s, I can’t just continue eating like I did growing up! I need to make a healthier choice!
My new definition…
Of course I still indulge in the family sweets every now and then – but not after every meal like I used to. My new definition of nature’s candy looks much different today. Like picking fresh blueberries with my dad, freezing them, and adding them to our smoothies. Frozen seedless grapes to snack on when I get an urge for something sweet. Or if it’s chocolate I am craving, I whip up a batch of Chewy Fudge Sticks on page 35 in my Sweet Encounter with Raw Desserts book (also now an E-Book)!
What about family traditions?
When you come from a dessert making family like I do, generations of blue-ribbon winners, you maintain tradition – with a healthy twist!
In keeping with family tradition, I crowned my “Sweet Encounter with Raw Dessert” book with a few of our very special family prize winning recipes. (Yes… loaded with butter, sugar, and white flour)! I know, I want to cringe at the thought of those ingredients, but it’s not about food – it’s about family!
Order my E-Book today for a limited time – only $9.99!
Then you can go whip up a batch of my Great Moms home-made sugar cookies, Granny’s made-from-scratch gingerbread men, or my mom’s none-can-compare apple crisp from the last chapter! Of course, after you drink a blueberry smoothie, or eat some frozen grapes – nature’s candy, a sweet alternative!