Celebrate you is what today’s eat clean tip is all about!
You might not be where you want to be, but you are definitely 7 days closer from where you used to be.
Celebrate you by treating yourself the way you would your spouse, a child or a good friend!
This has been a 7 day eat clean journey of learning what is and is not clean foods, how to make healthier choices, develop new habits, and hopefully begin to shed a few unwanted pounds. But most of all, it was learning about ourselves, discovering, and becoming more aware of what we eat and why.
Eating clean is not a one-time event – it’s a lifestyle!
Whether you ate clean for one meal each day during the 7, or for all your meals each day during the 7. You ran the course – so celebrate you!
Here’s a few ways I think would be a great idea to celebrate YOU!
- Soak an afternoon bubble bath with a few drops of essential oils.
- Share your 7 day journey with a close friend.
- Write yourself a thank you letter!
- Cuddle up on the couch with yourself and watch a good movie.
- Buy yourself some flowers and place them on your desk or by your bedside.
- Look in the mirror and encourage yourself!
Take a few moments to review your last 7 days. You are not on this journey alone, but definitely (whether you realize it or not) are being a model for the generations to follow.
Read how that happens >>>Here!
Celebrate us – stay connected!
If you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe to this Daily Detox blog over on the right hand corner of this blog post. Then send me a request to join us in our private Daily Detox group on Facebook.
Celebrate you – buy the E-Book!
Treat yourself and download a copy of Sweet Encounter with Raw Desserts E-Book while it’s still on sale for only $9.99!